The Spirit of the Sammy-B

A book by Rear Admiral Robert W. Copeland (with Jack E. O’Neill)

This 120-page first hand account of the Battle of Leyte Gulf is available in soft cover  directly from Cost is only $9.96 plus shipping.

The “Spirit of the Sammy B” is Captain Copeland’s  thoroughly readable autobiographical account of the DE-413’s short but valiant history.  A must read for any one interested in the Samuel B. Roberts or the Battle off Samar.

4 thoughts on “The Spirit of the Sammy-B

  1. Pingback: USS Samuel B. Roberts DE-413 USN WW2/PAC SUNK 25OCT1944 |

  2. Michael henrich

    Just an amazing act of true courage and leadership Lt.Com Copeland. My son is student at theUS naval Academy, I hope the history of these brave sailors will inspire him to be a leader like his predessors. Thank you Samual B Roberts

  3. Leland D. Searles

    I have just read “The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors” and am very proud of the “surface navy” of WWII as well as at present. I was a 4 year naval aircrewman from Tacoma with 2241 air hours during 1948-52. Rober W. Copeland is well remembered in Tacoma for his service on DE413 during the epic Naval encounter with the Japanese near Leyte as WWII drew to a close. — My regards to the family of RADM Robert W. Copeland.

  4. Pingback: The Gismo | USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE 413) Survivors Association

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