Category Archives: Updates

Letters to the wife of Charles Staubach

Jim Staubach, son of Charles Staubach, recently reached out to the Survivor Association to inquire about his father’s experience on board. 

Jim kindly shared letters sent to his mother by Executive Officer Roberts  and Captain Copeland in December 1944 and March 1945 respectively. 

They are touching and sad and speak to the bravery of Charles Staubach and other men on the ship.

You can 

Article on Glenn Huffman in the Tulsa World

Although happy to have escaped it, Glenn Huffman couldn’t watch what was happening to his ship without feeling his heart sink.

“I heard someone say ‘there she goes,’ and we all looked,” he said, adding that from where they were in the water, survivors of the USS Samuel B. Roberts had a good view as the destroyer escort disappeared beneath the Pacific…

You can read the full artice here: