3 thoughts on “DE 413 Survivor Association Newsletter October 2011

  1. Frank C. Banks

    I have a friend Mr. Aldred B. Lenoir FC 2 that I speak to every other week about his time in the Navy. My name is Frank Banks and I own and operate a Historical & Military Museum in Alabama. I have interviewed Mr. Lenoir on several occasions about the Battle of Layette Gulf when he was on the Samuel B. Roberts DE 413 He is listed as a crew member but I don’t see him listed in the Survivor Association. He told me that he is the last Survivor. I would like to get him listed with the association and would like to know how to go about it. But first off I think I should talk to him first.

  2. Peter Leyden

    I am looking for the name and address of a survivor of the” Sammy B” , who lives in or around Bethpage, Long Island. I met him at he American Airpower Museum on Pearl Harbor Day, talked with him for a short while but failed to get his name. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
    Peter Leyden

  3. John Rohr

    To those gallent survivors of the Suamuel B Roberts. My brother-in-law John Joseph Sullivan of Belchertown, Mass. has shared the story of the crew of the Samuel B Roberts and of his Father, John J. Sullivan Jr., one of the many who gave their lives serving on the Samuel B Roberts during the battle off Samar, Philipines 1944.
    I salute you, who still bear the scars of this battle so many years later. Thank you.

    I honor your mutual sacrifice and cherish the valor of the crew.

    John A. Rohr
    Greensboro, NC


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